Monday, March 26, 2012

Monday's Most Wanted: March 28 - April 2

Well, this Monday the Most Wanted is being hosted by yours truly; Laddie. Let's see what I come up with....Bwahahahahahah!!! *eeeevil eeeevil*

Ambush by Clare London
Release Date: March 28
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Priority Rating: Curious. This is the sequel to one of Clare London's best known books; True Colors. So, if you're a Clare London fan then you're probably happy to see this one.

The Viking In My Bed by Jan Irving
Release Date: April 2
Publisher: Total-E-Bound
I have brought many people over to the side of Irving and she put vikings in this book. VIKINGS!

Out In The Field by Kate McMurray
Release Date: ETA This will be out April 24. We'll just have to wait a little longer but I'm betting it'll be worth it.
Publisher: Loose-ID
Priority Rating: Laura will read this ASAP!!! Laura loves baseball, M/M Romance and hot Latino men. Seriously, I think this story was written just for her and she is SUPER excited.

So, that's what we're looking forward to this week. The Jan Irving has me jumping up and down like a crazy person and Laura is all *gimme gimme gimme* for the baseball book. What are you all looking forward to reading this week?


  1. Unless y'all have heard something else about the Kate McMurray book, last I heard is it's scheduled for April 24 (I have a contest kicking off for it on April 17).

  2. Alas, Out in the Field is due out on the 24th. I wish it were sooner, too! I'm glad you're psyched for it. (I hope it lives up to expectations! The book does have hot guys and baseball, though, which are two of my favorite things for sure.)

    La la, don't mind me. You ladies are great and I've been reading your blog for a while, so I'm not a crazy stalker or anything. I'll go back to lurking now. :)

  3. This week does seem kinda slow doesn't it? :( But, I can't wait to read The Rare Event by PD Singer! HOT HOT cover!

  4. This week is a but slow :(

    Kate I cannot wait for your book! I LOVE LOVE baseball!! I'm so excited for it!
